ProDiag dessert le marché international en distribuant des outils de diagnostic aux professionnels aux clients et aux patients. Nos gammes de produits offrent des solutions à l’ensemble du marché : des équipements de laboratoire aux tests à usage domestique, ProDiag peut tout fournir!

L’entreprise a été fondée en 2003 par Anton Pruijssers, qui apporte avec lui plus de 25 ans de connaissances et d’expérience dans le secteur de la santé à but non lucratif et au sein d’organisations commerciales. Avec son équipe, il souhaite contribuer à la création d’un monde meilleur. ProDiag s’est donné pour mission de rendre le diagnostic professionnel accessible à tous.

C’est pour cette raison qu’une succursale a également été ouverte en Ouganda à Kampala en 2021. De là, ProDiag tente de faire la différence dans la lutte contre les maladies courantes en Afrique, comme la tuberculose, le paludisme et le VIH. La culture au sein de ProDiag est dynamique, avec une forte passion pour trouver de nouvelles solutions pour nos clients. Ces derniers peuvent compter sur des produits de haute qualité, fournis par une équipe motivée et désireuse de leur faire découvrir leurs caractéristiques uniques!

L’équipe ProDiag

Bringing in 25 years of experience in the commercial Healthcare sector,  Anton is managing ProDiag B.V.. This experience was built at reputable organizations like Roche Diagnostics, Roche Pharma, PharmAccess International, Hitachi PHVC, InTec Products and other organizations as a consultant and interim manager. From ProDiag B.V.’s holding company (Anton Pruijssers Management Group B.V.),  Anton is executing consultancy and interim management assignments globally which means he is in front row to scout for innovations to add to ProDiag’s product portfolio. Anton holds a Masters degree in the Sciences of Human Movement from the Free University in Amsterdam and an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management in Rotterdam. He loves all kinds of music, water sports, tennis.

Anna lived in Nepal for six years during her childhood. Her parents worked as doctors at a leprosy hospital. Once back in The Netherlands she studied international law at the University of Maastricht. Development work was part of her childhood and therefore it is not a big surprise that she started her career as a Process Manager at the Medical Credit Fund (MCF). The MCF provides loans to healthcare facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa to improve the quality of care and make healthcare more accessible to the poor. She expanded her expertise when she did a number of consultancy jobs for a.o. PharmAccess, SafeCare, InTec Products and the Joep Lange Institute for Global Health and Development. Anna currently lives in Uganda and is managing the ProDiag Africa office together with Oscar Ssuna Walumgebe.

Oscar lived for six years in Cape Town, South Africa where he worked as an allrounder in the outdoor festival industry. During this period, he obtained a certificate for Sales and Marketing from the University of South Africa (UNISA).  When he returned to Uganda in 2016, he was offered a job at Majestic Brands as Head of the Business Development Department. Majestic Brands falls under the Kingdom of the Buganda (the largest tribe in Uganda). He worked at Majestic Brands until January 2021. Together with Anna Theuvenet, he is managing the ProDiag Africa office in Uganda. Oscar is interested in the cultural and traditional aspects of intellectual property, music, festivals and running.

Gerhard brings 25 year of experience in maintenance, repair and refurbishing of instruments. Gerhard was trained as chemical engineer and through additional training gained knowledge and understanding of electronics, operating systems, hydraulics and mechanical systems.

External partners

  • Joris Kramer at Emazing: website development
  • Susanne Dusink at H2R: marketing and DTP studio


  • Jan van den Boer: commercial and all-round advisor